Tuesday, November 10, 2009


There is an ugliness sweeping America and goes much deeper than the verbiage hurled back and forth by the left and the right. Political dogma has taken over as both parties keep Americans fighting amongst themselves, rather than fighting with the government. Barack Hussein Obama has allowed arrogance to turn to ugliness as he feebly attempts to destroy the greatres nation on earth.
B. Hussein Obama is facing reality, and it is an ugly reality-he is a loser.
One can picture B.Hussein Obama, growing up with the midas touch, everything he handles goes well, but he does not stick with anything too long, because beauty would turn to ugliness if he did. B Hussein Obama is attempting to remake American is his image, an arrogant, insignificant juvenile who cnnot accept responsility, but rather blames everyone else for his wrong doing. Obama the Nrcissist in Chief.is an inherently ugly man. Whild the state run media finds him attractive, they ignore his obvious faults, the oversized ears, the coke nose, the graying of his hair and the obvious stress lines caused by his presidential history of accomplishing nothing and doing even less. How many months did it take to pick out a firs dog, excuse me,the ugly first dog. That dog is so ugly, it makes Michelle and Axelrod look good.
Narcissism is a mental disorder of the ugliest kind. It leads to massive failure for those who somehow find themselves in postions of reponsilbility. 

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