Friday, March 26, 2010


Internet tax: A bad idea

Tyranny is afoot. And this evil arrives in the guise of secondhand books and cheap Chinese trinkets. So beware.
Actually, if anyone ever needed an obvious illustration of how government overreach can damage an economy, he need look no further than the Colorado Legislature's foolish attempt to wheedle a few extra bucks out of consumers via an Internet sales tax.
After legislation forcing online companies to collect sales tax passed, moved to protect its consumers and long-term interests by severing its ties with Colorado. Unfortunately, this meant closing its associates program, which involved an estimated 5,000 jobs.
Amazon's actions were not surprising, as it did the same in North Carolina and Rhode Island (a state, incidentally, that reportedly saw no additional revenue generated after passing a similar law taxing Internet sales).
"They've done nothing here but spit in our face," bristled Colorado Senate Majority Leader John Morse in a ludicrous rant on YouTube, wherein he went on to describe Amazon's actions as "such tyranny!" Tyranny? Imagine that.
Seeing as we're throwing incendiary words around, it should be noted that Morse's actions are a far better fit for the definition. The dictionary, after all, defines tyranny as "oppressive power exerted by government" or a "government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler."
Besides, Amazon does not possess the power to compel its will on any Colorado citizens. All Amazon can do is pick up and leave. The state, on the other hand, does have the ability to coerce both taxpayers and corporations.
Once you get past the hyperbole of embarrassed legislators, the argument -- and it has appeal -- is that there is a lack of "fairness." Why should online stores have an advantage over the traditional stores in the state?
Well, Amazon came up with better technology; it offers better services; and thus far, it has a far superior business model. That's why. Let's leave the slippery concept of "fairness" to toddlers and legislators.
Amazon and other similar online stores offer a nearly infinite array of choices at affordable prices. Their success hurts many on-the-ground businesses, no doubt, but it also benefits millions of consumers, who save money. The tax savings that consumers get from Internet purchases will be spent elsewhere -- more than likely in bricks-and-mortar establishments.
But let's not forget that legislators also packed the bill with punitive measures and mandates that resemble, gulp, "tyranny."
Online businesses would be required to not only notify consumers to pay taxes but also hand over consumer sales records, and if they didn't, they would pay fines for every violation -- many beyond their control.
And as a recent Tax Foundation study on "Amazon laws" concluded, online companies would have to deal with more than 8,000 different tax computations should every state join Colorado's effort. Amazon would be nuts not to fight.
Still, you can understand why some folks are angry. ProgressNow, a liberal advocacy group, has launched a boycott of Amazon, which is a fine way to make a point, though I suspect its impact will be as small as the national Whole Foods boycott (which started after John Mackey, the company's CEO, had the gall to offer some constructive ideas on health care reform).
One only wishes that citizens could boycott irascible and intrusive state legislators -- with their knee-jerk, ill-informed, anti-capitalist sentiment -- who are willing to risk the jobs of thousands of citizens for a couple of million bucks in the state's coffers.
Alas, no such luck.



First off, I’d like to thank all of you morons who voted yes for the healthcare bill. The US was already on pace to go bankrupt, but we just went from digging our hole with a shovel, to digging our hole with a backhoe. To all of you morons who think you’re going to get this amazing FREE healthcare, it’s time to get your head out of your ass. With having your head so far up your ass, you’ve neglected to realize that this bill is nothing but a load of bullshit. You’re not going to get any free coverage, as for you will be paying for it in your taxes for the rest of your life.
Do you have a pre-existing medical condition and have been unable to get an affordable medical plan? Well sucks to be you, because you’re still shit out of luck. Under the new deathcare plan, if you have a pre-existing condition, you’re still going to be paying out the ass to get a good healthcare plan.
All of you morons in favor of this healthcare bill need to realize that nothing about this bill is FREE. We will be paying for this bill forever and it has a high chance of bankrupting our country. If our nation would stop worrying about other countries and start worrying about our own, we would have enough money to pay for free healthcare for all of our citizens. If we would stop bailing out other countries every time there is a disaster or a war, and took that money and gave it to OUR people, our country could be a very different place. Maybe it’s time for our country to start being a little bit selfish and start thinking about ourselves before everybody else.
Unfortunately, it’s going to be too late now that Obamacare looks to be in place. Hello socialism!


Posted by Jason Mattera on January 28, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Filed under Featured Videos ·

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Terrorists Could Use Explosives in Breast Implants to Crash Planes, Experts Warn


Plastic surgeons using explosive-laden breast implants in homicide bombers could be a new terror tactic that current airport scanning methods may miss.
File photo shows a silicone gel breast implant.

Female homicide bombers are being fitted with exploding breast implants which are almost impossible to detect, British spies have reportedly discovered.
The shocking new Al Qaeda tactic involves radical doctors inserting the explosives in women's breasts during plastic surgery — making them "virtually impossible to detect by the usual airport scanning machines."
It is believed the doctors have been trained at some of Britain's leading teaching hospitals before returning to their own countries to perform the surgical procedures.
MI5 has also discovered that extremists are inserting the explosives into the buttocks of some male bombers.
"Women suicide bombers recruited by Al Qaeda are known to have had the explosives inserted in their breasts under techniques similar to breast enhancing surgery," Terrorist expert Joseph Farah claims.
The lethal explosives called PETN are inserted inside plastic shapes during the operation, before the breast is then sewn up.
The discovery of these methods was made after London-educated Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab came close to blowing up an airliner in the U.S. on Christmas Day.
He had stuffed explosives inside his underpants.
Hours after he had failed, Britain's intelligence services began to pick up "chatter" emanating from Pakistan and Yemen that alerted MI5 to the creation of the lethal implants.
A hand-picked team investigated the threat which was described as "one that can circumvent our defense."
Top surgeons have confirmed the feasibility of the explosive implants.
Explosive experts allegedly told MI5 that a sachet containing as little as five ounces of PETN could blow "a considerable hole" in an airline's skin, causing it to crash.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

THE NEWEST WEAPON IN WARFARE/ indian military to weaponize world's hottest chili


GAUHATI, India – The Indian military has a new weapon against terrorism: the world's hottest chili.
After conducting tests, the military has decided to use the thumb-sized "bhut jolokia," or "ghost chili," to make tear gas-like hand grenades to immobilize suspects, defense officials said Tuesday.
The bhut jolokia was accepted by Guinness World Records in 2007 as the world's spiciest chili. It is grown and eaten in India's northeast for its taste, as a cure for stomach troubles and a way to fight the crippling summer heat.
It has more than 1,000,000 Scoville units, the scientific measurement of a chili's spiciness. Classic Tabasco sauce ranges from 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units, while jalapeno peppers measure anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000.
"The chili grenade has been found fit for use after trials in Indian defense laboratories, a fact confirmed by scientists at the Defense Research and Development Organization," Col. R. Kalia, a defense spokesman in the northeastern state of Assam, told The Associated Press.
"This is definitely going to be an effective nontoxic weapon because its pungent smell can choke terrorists and force them out of their hide-outs," R. B. Srivastava, the director of the Life Sciences Department at the New Delhi headquarters of the DRDO said.
Srivastava, who led a defense research laboratory in Assam, said trials are also on to produce bhut jolokia-based aerosol sprays to be used by women against attackers and for the police to control and disperse mobs.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Obama’s Communist Mentor

Is “coalition politics” at work in Obama’s rise to power?
In his biography of Barack Obama, David Mendell writes about Obama's life as a "secret smoker" and how he "went to great lengths to conceal the habit." But what about Obama's secret political life? It turns out that Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist.

In his books, Obama admits attending "socialist conferences" and coming into contact with Marxist literature. But he ridicules the charge of being a "hard-core academic Marxist," which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004 U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes.

However, through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his "poetry" and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams from My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just "Frank."
The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What's more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several communist-front organizations.  
Trevor Loudon, a New Zealand-based libertarian activist, researcher and blogger, noted evidence that "Frank" was Frank Marshall Davis in a posting in March of 2007.
Obama's communist connection adds to mounting public concern about a candidate who has come out of virtually nowhere, with a brief U.S. Senate legislative record, to become the Democratic Party frontrunner for the U.S. presidency. In the latest Real Clear Politics poll average, Obama beats Republican John McCain by almost four percentage points.
AIM recently disclosed that Obama has well-documented socialist connections, which help explain why he sponsored a "Global Poverty Act" designed to send hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. foreign aid to the rest of the world, in order to meet U.N. demands. The bill has passed the House and a Senate committee, and awaits full Senate action.
But the Communist Party connection through Davis is even more ominous. Decades ago, the CPUSA had tens of thousands of members, some of them covert agents who had penetrated the U.S. Government. It received secret subsidies from the old Soviet Union.
You won't find any of this discussed in the David Mendell book, Obama: From Promise to Power. It is typical of the superficial biographies of Obama now on the market. Secret smoking seems to be Obama's most controversial activity. At best, Mendell and the liberal media describe Obama as "left-leaning."
But you will find it briefly discussed, sort of, in Obama's own book, Dreams from My Father. He writes about "a poet named Frank," who visited them in Hawaii, read poetry, and was full of "hard-earned knowledge" and advice. Who was Frank? Obama only says that he had "some modest notoriety once," was "a contemporary of Richard Wright and Langston Hughes during his years in Chicago..." but was now "pushing eighty." He writes about "Frank and his old Black Power dashiki self" giving him advice before he left for Occidental College in 1979 at the age of 18. 
This "Frank" is none other than Frank Marshall Davis, the black communist writer now considered by some to be in the same category of prominence as Maya Angelou and Alice Walker. In the summer/fall 2003 issue of African American Review, James A. Miller of George Washington University reviews a book by John Edgar Tidwell, a professor at the University of Kansas, about Davis's career, and notes, "In Davis's case, his political commitments led him to join the American Communist Party during the middle of World War II-even though he never publicly admitted his Party membership." Tidwell is an expert on the life and writings of Davis.
Is it possible that Obama did not know who Davis was when he wrote his book, Dreams from My Father, first published in 1995? That's not plausible since Obama refers to him as a contemporary of Richard Wright and Langston Hughes and says he saw a book of his black poetry.
The communists knew who "Frank" was, and they know who Obama is. In fact, one academic who travels in communist circles understands the significance of the Davis-Obama relationship. 
Professor Gerald Horne, a contributing editor of the Communist Party journal Political Affairs, talked about it during a speech last March at the reception of the Communist Party USA archives at the Tamiment Library at New York University. The remarks are posted online under the headline, "Rethinking the History and Future of the Communist Party."
Horne, a history professor at the University of Houston, noted that Davis, who moved to Honolulu from Kansas in 1948 "at the suggestion of his good friend Paul Robeson," came into contact with Barack Obama and his family and became the young man's mentor, influencing Obama's sense of identity and career moves. Robeson, of course, was the well-known black actor and singer who served as a member of the CPUSA and apologist for the old Soviet Union. Davis had known Robeson from his time in Chicago.
As Horne describes it, Davis "befriended" a "Euro-American family" that had "migrated to Honolulu from Kansas and a young woman from this family eventually had a child with a young student from Kenya East Africa who goes by the name of Barack Obama, who retracing the steps of Davis eventually decamped to Chicago."
It was in Chicago that Obama became a "community organizer" and came into contact with more far-left political forces, including the Democratic Socialists of America, which maintains close ties to European socialist groups and parties through the Socialist International (SI), and two former members of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), William Ayers and Carl Davidson.
The SDS laid siege to college campuses across America in the 1960s, mostly in order to protest the Vietnam War, and spawned the terrorist Weather Underground organization. Ayers was a member of the terrorist group and turned himself in to authorities in 1981. He is now a college professor and served with Obama on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago. Davidson is now a figure in the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, an offshoot of the old Moscow-controlled CPUSA, and helped organize the 2002 rally where Obama came out against the Iraq War.
Both communism and socialism trace their roots to Karl Marx, co-author of the Communist Manifesto, who endorsed the first meeting of the Socialist International, then called the "First International." According to Pierre Mauroy, president of the SI from 1992-1996, "It was he [Marx] who formally launched it, gave the inaugural address and devised its structure..."
Apparently unaware that Davis had been publicly named as a CPUSA member, Horne said only that Davis "was certainly in the orbit of the CP [Communist Party]-if not a member..."
In addition to Tidwell's book, Black Moods: Collected Poems of Frank Marshall Davis, confirming Davis's Communist Party membership, another book, The New Red Negro: The Literary Left and African American Poetry, 1930-1946, names Davis as one of several black poets who continued to publish in CPUSA-supported publications after the 1939 Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact. The author, James Edward Smethurst, associate professor of Afro-American studies at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, says that Davis, however, would later claim that he was "deeply troubled" by the pact.
While blacks such as Richard Wright left the CPUSA, it is not clear if or when Davis ever left the party.
However, Obama writes in Dreams from My Father that he saw "Frank" only a few days before he left Hawaii for college, and that Davis seemed just as radical as ever. Davis called college "An advanced degree in compromise" and warned Obama not to forget his "people" and not to "start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that ####." Davis also complained about foot problems, the result of "trying to force African feet into European shoes," Obama wrote.
For his part, Horne says that Obama's giving of credit to Davis will be important in history. "At some point in the future, a teacher will add to her syllabus Barack's memoir and instruct her students to read it alongside Frank Marshall Davis' equally affecting memoir, Living the Blues and when that day comes, I'm sure a future student will not only examine critically the Frankenstein monsters that US imperialism created in order to subdue Communist parties but will also be moved to come to this historic and wonderful archive in order to gain insight on what has befallen this complex and intriguing planet on which we reside," he said.
Dr. Kathryn Takara, a professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa who also confirms that Davis is the "Frank" in Obama's book, did her dissertation on Davis and spent much time with him between 1972 until he passed away in 1987.
In an analysis posted online, she notes that Davis, who was a columnist for the Honolulu Record, brought "an acute sense of race relations and class struggle throughout America and the world" and that he openly discussed subjects such as American imperialism,  colonialism and exploitation. She described him as a "socialist realist" who attacked the work of the House Un-American Activities Committee. 
Davis, in his own writings, had said that Robeson and Harry Bridges, the head of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and a secret member of the CPUSA, had suggested that he take a job as a columnist with the Honolulu Record "and see if I could do something for them." The ILWU was organizing workers there and Robeson's contacts were "passed on" to Davis, Takara writes.
Takara says that Davis "espoused freedom, radicalism, solidarity, labor unions, due process, peace, affirmative action, civil rights, Negro History week, and true Democracy to fight imperialism, colonialism, and white supremacy. He urged coalition politics."
Is "coalition politics" at work in Obama's rise to power?
Trevor Loudon, the New Zealand-based blogger who has been analyzing the political forces behind Obama and specializes in studying the impact of Marxist and leftist political organizations, notes that Frank Chapman, a CPUSA supporter, has written a letter to the party newspaper hailing the Illinois senator's victory in the Iowa caucuses.
"Obama's victory was more than a progressive move; it was a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle," Chapman wrote. "Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, which sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This is the old revolutionary ‘mole,' not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through."
Let's challenge the liberal media to report on this. Will they have the honesty and integrity to do so?

Monday, March 15, 2010


Sweden's mad quarter of a century of socialism

On 26th February 2008, Mr. Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of Sweden, gave a talk at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The subject that he presented was: "The New Swedish Model: A Reform Agenda for Growth and the Environment"

The speech can be read in full from the Swedish Embassy:
The New Swedish Model

The passage that interested me the most was the following:

At the beginning of the 1970s Sweden also had the fourth highest GDP per capita measured in purchasing power parity. Sweden was blooming. Then came Sweden's mad quarter of a century.

Growth fell off. Unemployment rose. The quality of welfare declined. What, then, were the factors that made the Swedish model stop working?

The economic downturn that followed the two oil crises in the 1970s of course had a negative impact on Sweden. Also, the financial crises and macroeconomic shocks of the early 1990s had substantial consequences for the Swedish economy. But these shocks also affected other industrial countries. And it is difficult to argue that Sweden was particularly vulnerable to the international business cycle.

This alone cannot explain why Sweden fell from fourth place in the OECD's ranking of member countries by GDP per capita around 1970, to eighteenth place in 1997.

Instead, I would argue that the explanation lies in other factors. The vital balance between the institutions in the model disappeared and socialism swept over Swedish society.

We saw budget deficits and high inflation undermine macroeconomic stability. In many respects this was the result of irresponsible and short-sighted political actions.
We saw a sharp rise in taxes, especially on labour, together with an expansion of benefit systems that undermined the work-first principle and made it less worthwhile to work.

The education system was distorted and Swedish schools focused less on knowledge.
Changes in international competition were met with subsidies rather than reforms. Free enterprise was not encouraged; instead it was questioned.

We saw a rise in unemployment and the percentage of working-age people supported by various social benefits and subsidies rose from 10 per cent in 1970 to about 20 per cent in the present decade.

What took a hundred years to build was nearly dismantled in twenty five years.

My personal interest arises from the number of times from the 1970’s onwards, my left-wing colleagues told me with absolute dogmatic certainty that, although Socialism had run into difficulties in most Western European countries, Sweden was a shining example of a Socialist country, with a thriving economy and with social policies the rest of the world would do well to emulate.

Similarly,I was told with equal force that the Communist East German economy was the most prosperous and most stable in the world, immune from the buffeting of market forces in the Western world. The fall of the Berlin Wall, whose existence caused these same colleagues no problem, showed East Germany to be an economic basket case.

It is consoling that time writes its own history, plain for all to see. It is sad that so many prefer not to read it.


There are a few places that you can buy good quality fish. Visit the fish market, and you have a choice of really fresh fish, right off the boat. Another option is buying it in a fish store, or in the fish section of the supermarket. The choice is entirely up to you, but make sure that the fish is fresh.
Go to a reputable store or fishmonger.

Ask what is the freshest or check what the catch of the day is.
Don't be misguided by the term "fresh." Most landlocked areas selling fish usually have two types of fish - thawed or frozen, unless it is an upstanding vendor who really likes freshness.
Look for firm, shiny flesh. It should bounce back when touched.
Sniff the fish. A "fresh" fish should not smell "fishy", but should have the odor of the ocean - such as a fresh ocean breeze.
Check the eyes. If the head is on, fresh fish should have clear eyes, no cloudiness should be present. They should bulge a little.
Check the gills. If whole, they should be bright pink/red and wet, not slimy or dry.
Check cuts of fish. Fish fillets and steaks should be moist and without discoloration.
On Fillets and steaks, look for flesh separation and gaps. If the meat separates from itself it's not fresh.
Look for discoloration, brown or yellow edges, and a spongy consistency, these are all signs of aging fish.


The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that BYD (BYDDF.PK) plans to offer its most advanced electric car, the e6 model, in the United States in 2010 which is a year ahead of the company’s prior plans. BYD’s e6 sedan has been covered on The Rational Walk in some detail over the past few months. Click on this link for a list of articles related to BYD.
Introductory Price: $40,000
BYD has indicated that the price of the e6 will be set initially at $40,000 which is far higher than prior estimates. The Wall Street Journal article did not indicate whether this starting price was set based on the low initial projected market size or whether it has something to do with the projected price of the Chevy Volt which is also estimated to be in the $40,000 range. At $40,000, this vehicle will be priced at a very high premium compared to conventional gasoline vehicles or mass produced hybrid vehicles of similar size.
Sokol Interested in Boosting MidAmerican’s BYD Stake
MidAmerican Energy Holdings Chairman David Sokol stated that he has an interest in boosting MidAmerican’s holdings in BYD if the right circumstances exist. It is interesting how Mr. Sokol is assuming more of the limelight when it comes to Berkshire Hathaway’s ownership interest in BYD. Warren Buffett appears to be delegating more direct responsibility to Mr. Sokol in terms of management of the BYD investment as well as Mr. Sokol’s interim role leading NetJets.
The Journal article had a few interesting quotes attributed to Mr. Sokol:
MidAmerican Chairman David Sokol, who was also interviewed in Xian, said MidAmerican is ready to assist BYD’s foray into the U.S. auto market in “any way we could be helpful.” MidAmerican also might invest in BYD’s new initiatives in the U.S., which, in addition to automobiles, could involve solar panels and battery technology for power utilities.
Mr. Sokol also said MidAmerican hopes to boost its BYD stake if the chance arises. “If in the future there is an opportunity for us to continue to invest in BYD, we will be happy to increase our stake over time, but we will do it in cooperation with BYD,” he said. Mr. Wang said an increase is “negotiable.”
As I pointed out last week, General Motors and BYD have taken very different approaches to electric vehicles and the specifications for BYD’s e6 sedan still seem to give it an edge over the Chevy Volt. However, with the price point for the e6 coming in much higher than anticipated, it will be interesting to see how the market sorts out the competition. I remain hopeful that the Federal Government will resist the urge to stack the deck in favor of General Motors due to its substantial equity stake in the company.

  • by: Ravi Nagarajan  

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

obama and his bandwagon - losing ground


A majority of Americans say the United States is less respected in the world than it was two years ago and think President Obama and other Democrats fall short of Republicans on the issue of national security, a new poll finds.
Democracy Corps-Third Way
survey released Monday finds that by a 10-point margin -- 51 percent to 41 percent -- Americans think the standing of the U.S. dropped during the first 13 months of Mr. Obama's presidency.
"This is surprising, given the global acclaim and Nobel peace prize that flowed to the new president after he took office," said pollsters for the liberal-leaning organizations.
On the national security front, a massive gap has emerged, with 50 percent of likely voters saying Republicans would likely do a better job than Democrats, a 14-point swing since May. Thirty-three percent favored Democrats.
"The erosion since May is especially strong among women, and among independents, who now favor Republicans on this question by a 56 to 20 percent margin," the pollsters said in their findings.
A May 2009 survey by the pollsters found the public saw the Democratic and Republican parties as equally able to handle national security (41 percent trusted Democrats more, and 43 percent trusted Republicans more.) On conducting the war on terrorism, the two parties were tied at 41 percent.
The Democrats' gap on national security has widened on several other fronts:
• "Keeping America safe": Democrats now trail by 13 points (34 percent to 47 percent.) The gap was just 5 points in July 2008.
• "Ensuring a strong military": Democrats trail by 31 points (27 percent to 58 percent.)
• "Making America safer from nuclear threats": Democrats trail by 11 points (34 percent to 45 percent,) "despite the president's strong actions and speeches on steps to reduce nuclear dangers," the pollsters said.
The poll, conducted late last month, found "the administration's response to the Christmas Day terrorist attempt has contributed to the erosion."
"While public polling showed that initial approval of Obama's response was above 50 percent, two months of Republican criticism have taken a toll. Now a narrow 46 to 42 percent plurality of likely voters say they feel less confident about the administration's handling of national security because of how it responded to the incident," the pollsters said.
In addition, the detention of terrorist suspects and the Obama proposal to prosecute suspects in civil trials in New York City, which was later abandoned, also have taken a toll on the president's approval ratings.
"Whereas a majority of the public approves of the job President Obama is doing in most aspects of national security, a 51 to 44 percent majority of likely voters disapproves of his efforts on the prosecution and interrogation of terrorism suspects," the pollsters found.
Democracy Corps calls itself an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to making the government of the United States more responsive to the American people." It was founded in 1999 by former Clinton adviser James Carville and Stanley Greenberg, a leading Democratic pollster.

Third Way
calls itself "the leading moderate think-tank of the progressive movement

Wednesday, March 3, 2010



These spectacular 'blue marble' images are the most detailed views of Earth to date.
Using a collection of satellite images, scientists painstakingly stitched together months of observations to create these montages which show the surface of the continents and oceans in stunning detail.

This mesmerising view of Earth is an image taken by the Terra satellite orbiting 435miles above the planet's surface
Much of the imagery came from a space camera onboard the NASA satellite Terra, which is orbiting 435miles above the Earth's surface.
A spokesman from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, which released the pictures, said: 'These are spectacular "blue marble" images, which show the beauty of our small planet.'

Tuesday, March 2, 2010



The legions that voted for Barack Obama were many times swayed by rhetoric like “social justice”, “spread the wealth” “fairness” and “hope and change”.  None of this is new.  It is just the tired, discredited rhetoric of all the failed Socialist/Fascist/Communist movements of the last 150 years.
All of these movments have one thing in common, they have only brought shared misery in place of prosperity that many times wended their way down to those classes that seem most vulnerable to such sophistic verbiage.  We have ample specimens to establish the paradigm of failure associated with the vacuousness of this bastardization of philosophical indulgence.  I say indulgence because after repeated failure, how can anyone justify any investment of validity in repeated failure.
As we move closer and closer to embracing failure in is the one country on the planet that willingly re- invests blood and treasure to establish the bona-fides of the validity of enlightened self-interest, we ought to pause and think, is this even remotely feasible, desirable?.   A great many uninformed and foolish people invested their hopes and emotions in a cult figure that was slickly packaged to offer the right marketing and re-packaging to the most inept and ultimately evil of philosophies ever to grace the planet.  The central tenets of which have led to more destruction of mind, body spirit and treasure than any other.  We trod that path again at the peril of us all.  Ponder this:


More Obama Indoctrination going on in schools


·                                 +

What the hell is this? If this is going on in my Child's School..Heads will Spin! and Lawsuits will Fly!


  • I can't even BELIEVE that!!! OH MY GOD THAT IS FUCKING SICK!!!!

    This is straight out of Nazi Germany with the CRAZY indoctrination of the youth... UNBELIEVABLE!!!


Porsche unveiled a futuristic hybrid supercar this week that it claims can hit 100km/h in just 3.2 seconds while emitting just a tiny fraction of the carbon put out by most sports cars.

The 918 Spyder prototype is the German carmaker’s offering to the growing market for hybrid cars that combine an internal combustion engine with electric propulsion, dramatically slashing the amount of greenhouse gasses the car emits.

Porsche unveiled its creation at the 2010 Geneva Motor Show. It claims the car has a top speed of 320 km/h but uses just three litres of fuel for every 100 kilometres - equivalent to 94 miles per imperial gallon.

“We are a sports car manufacturer and that means it's about driving fast – but at the same time about cutting pollution and conserving natural resources,” Porsche chief Michael Macht said according to the website of news magazine Der Spiegel.

Critically, the Spyder emits an average of just 70 grammes of carbon dioxide, the firm claims. According to Britain’s Department for Transport, the third-generation Toyota Prius – the best-known hybrid car – emits 89 g/km.

Many conventional supercars, including models made by Ferrari and Lamborghini, emit between 400g and 500g of carbon per kilometre.

The Porsche prototype makes it around the legendary 22.8 kilometre Nürburgring race track south of Cologne in less than seven-and-a-half minutes, Macht boasted.

Driving legend and Porsche representative Walter Röhrl concurred, saying: “This car goes even faster than the last super sports car from Porsche, the Carrera GT.”

Martin Winterkorn, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen, Porsche’s parent company, added: “Porsche is showing the future.”

The open two-seater has a high-performace V8 engine with more than 500 brake horse power and a maximum engine speed of 9,200 rpm as well as electric motors on the front and rear axle.

The electric motors are powered by a fluid-cooled lithium-ion battery than can be recharged by plugging it into a normal power point.

Porsche also used the Geneva show to release two other hybrids: a Cayenne S Hybrid SUV and a 911 GT3 R Hybrid racing car.