Friday, March 26, 2010



First off, I’d like to thank all of you morons who voted yes for the healthcare bill. The US was already on pace to go bankrupt, but we just went from digging our hole with a shovel, to digging our hole with a backhoe. To all of you morons who think you’re going to get this amazing FREE healthcare, it’s time to get your head out of your ass. With having your head so far up your ass, you’ve neglected to realize that this bill is nothing but a load of bullshit. You’re not going to get any free coverage, as for you will be paying for it in your taxes for the rest of your life.
Do you have a pre-existing medical condition and have been unable to get an affordable medical plan? Well sucks to be you, because you’re still shit out of luck. Under the new deathcare plan, if you have a pre-existing condition, you’re still going to be paying out the ass to get a good healthcare plan.
All of you morons in favor of this healthcare bill need to realize that nothing about this bill is FREE. We will be paying for this bill forever and it has a high chance of bankrupting our country. If our nation would stop worrying about other countries and start worrying about our own, we would have enough money to pay for free healthcare for all of our citizens. If we would stop bailing out other countries every time there is a disaster or a war, and took that money and gave it to OUR people, our country could be a very different place. Maybe it’s time for our country to start being a little bit selfish and start thinking about ourselves before everybody else.
Unfortunately, it’s going to be too late now that Obamacare looks to be in place. Hello socialism!

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