Tuesday, January 5, 2010



There was a time when the need for unions in America was a legitimate issue. Workers, especially children needed protection from managements. However, now there are federal and state laws that protect the rights of individual workers.

Today, unions do nothing more than threaten management with strikes for workers who make way more than non-union workers do. Currently the UAW (united auto workers) make (with benefits) a whopping $70.00 an hour. That’s right $70.00 an hour. For proof go HERE. Then scroll down to the topic that reads: “Overpaid workers”.

Teachers if represented by a union (Pennsylvania is one of only 12 states that still allows teachers unions) make with benefits: anywhere from $84,612 down to $63,158. Confirmation can be found HERE. Now when it comes to teachers I have no issue with their salaries. My issue comes in the fact that they expect the tax payers to pay for their benefits as well. I don’t know about anyone else but our medical benefits come out my husband’s paycheck every week. To the tune of $45.00 per WEEK. Add to that the fact that my husband makes roughly $30,000.00 a year and it’s really easy to see why someone would get pissed about this. No one pays this for us and I don’t see why I should have to pay anyone Else’s benefits.

The teamster’s union is another one that gouges and companies like Yellow, ABF and Roadway may very well be closing their doors in part because of it. Schneider a non-union trucking company may be one of the few that can weather this economic hurricane that is fast approaching.

Textile unions, oh that’s right there is no more textile unions. Why? because all our clothes are now made in other countries where unions don’t exist. And why is that do you think? Because the unions drove these companies out of this country.

Union workers say a union gives them job security. Really? the UAW union is planning on releasing some 35,000 employees over the course of the next three years.

I think one of the best economic thing that Obama can do to re-balance our economy (aside from bringing our military troops home) is to dissolve and outlaw ALL unions across the entire country. Maybe then manufactures will have incentive to return to America with their companies and we can put people back to work.
Or else we could desolve him in 2012

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