Friday, December 11, 2009


Many are calling for the trail, conviction and imprisonment of Barack HUSSEIN Obama (aka Little Barry Soetoro, Oprah's Love Child, The Boy Wonder, BO, The Big ZERO, P Bo). I think that some of that may happen soon than we think.

You can sure bet the impeachment charges will come after the 2010 mid term elections. The liberal democrats are crapping in their pants right now, Not 3 months into his term of office, Barack HUSSEIN Obama as already spent more money, made more mistakes, and pissed off more people that any of his predecessors’ entire terms of office.

The conservatives will take back control of the House and/or the Senate in 2010 and the charges will fly. Watch for a large number of his appointees to bail as we get closer. They know they will be also targets and dragged into the mess that The Boy Wonder has created and will not want to be directly involved with the mess.

He will spend the last two years of his term mired in law suits, criminal and civil charges, and questions on his ability AND the legality of his first two years in office, that he will be lost. Because of this, he will be a lame duck President and will not get a second four years.

After that, he will be nothing more that a bad memory in our minds, a footnote in world history and a lesson for all students of history of how not to be a politician. Add that to the fact that his questionable birth certificate and other hidden records will become increasingly demanded by the public. All of this is a bee hive waiting to be hit by a stick, with it's contends wreaking havoc on everyone.

The first and the last black President.

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