The NFL is a privately owned entity. Any private citizen with sufficient resources and the wherewithal to run a business should be able to buy a team and improve it and hopefully win the super bowl someday. Of course, one has to go through the red tape to get the process.
The players union can say anything they want but it has no authority on the NFL as to who could buy or sell a team. Rush Limbaugh is a conservative talk show host with tremendous clout within the conservative movement in this country. He has the guts to tell it the way it is. Sorry, political correctness. Most minorities do not like it since they feel they are a protected set of species and cannot be touched. One must remember that the wealthy employ people in this country which includes the players in the NFL. They may have a job today and there is no guarantee for tomorrow. Since the process solely relies on performance. A tenet of true Capitalizm. Enter the clowns the Rev Jackson and the Rev Sharpton. The trouble makers par-excellence. They claim it is a privilege to own a team. These are two guys who call themselves the disciples of Jesus Christ who will do anything in the name of race.
Sharpton says ‘it saddens and disappoint me”. Tough luck buddy, get used to it. It is not your money, if you do have the resources’ you could too. But then again you are in the fringes of the society and not main stream. And so is Jackson . They both are time servers.
He (Jackson) is the one who took advantage of the name ‘African American’ for his political gain when he ran for the presidency. This is the only country has hyphenated Citizens. Chinese-Americans, Korean-Americans, Indian-Americans, and Filipino-Americans. I thought any one who is a Citizen of the United States is an American.
Has anyone heard of a Chinese-British, African-Canadians or Japanese-Mexicans? Only in the warped world of the Rev. Jesse. He may also find out how and why a person called Jayzee became a partner in basketball team in New Jersey . A rapper who consistently denigrates the whites and rest of community with absolute garbage through his song lyrics, if you call them lyrics. Now who is the racist?
Racism is Jesse's and Al’s business, without which what else can they do?
Both of you need to go somewhere else do what you do best- race mongering and noise.
If Jackson and Sharpton are Reverends, well I am the Dalai Lama.
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