Saturday, October 10, 2009

NOBEL PEACE :2009: a Joke without a Jester

collection of comments from the recent past

Kevin Horne wrote:

When Nobel Peace Prizes are awarded to people like Yasser Arafat, Al Gore, and Jimmy Carter, you know all you need to know about the Nobel Peace Prize. Europe, enjoy your "President of The World" while you can, because when 2010 comes, and Democrats are turned out of office in droves, he is going to have to go back to simply being President of The U.S., and deal with the fallout of his leftwing Marxist ideas that have enraged a very sizable portion of the American public who are neither racist or insensitive to the rest of the world, but are fed up with paying taxes out the wazoo for every leftwing wealth redistribution scheme imaginable. Just look at the video from Detroit of Obama supporters lining up for their "free money". They didn't even have the sense to know it was taxpayer money; it was "Obama's stash". By the way, I wonder if Arafat took his peace prize to Hell with him.
The difference between God and Osama?
God doesn't think he's Obama

October 10, 2009 4:10 AM BST on

Mr. Distillerman wrote:

To quote the brilliant Thomas Sowell.........

"Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Moammar Gadhafi and Vladimir Putin have all praised Barack Obama. When enemies of freedom and democracy praise your president, what are you to think? When you add to this Barack Obama's many previous years of associations and alliances with people who hate America — Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Father Pfleger, etc. — at what point do you stop denying the obvious and start to connect the dots?"

I guess that the Nobel PP committee did not get the memo. When he makes the trip to Oslo to grab his worthless prize, will he drag his wife on yet another 'sacrifice' ?

October 10, 2009 4:54 AM BST on

Kim Ginger wrote:

Richard Wiseman: You are a fool if you think this all about partisan politics. Some of us are completely capable of understanding things outside of such a context and in a more universal way. Set aside your hatred for Bush and just LOOK at what is going on! Obama is steering us into a dangerous storm! Israel and Iran are ready to strike. Our troops in Afghanistan are being forced to retreat. Unemployment is up. Violence in the cities is up. Blame is not the point anymore; nor is mere "hope". Action is required and Obama seems incapable.

October 10, 2009 5:01 AM BST on

Ben Smith wrote:

Kathleen McCombs wrote:
Call me cynical, but I just can't help but wonder if President Obama "knew" he was up for this award and that was why he waited to say anything about the troop situation in Afghanistan. Somehow it seems just like him to let others die while he waits for a good poll number or other recognition.

Kathleen, you are right on.

Obama is an inept leader, a one termer, and is on course to be the worst President of the United States. Honestly, I cannot understand how he was ever elected. No matter, a big mistake was done and now it needs to be corrected.

If Obama had any character he would have graciously turned down an award he did not deserve. This was his last test as far as I am concerned.

October 10, 2009 4:08 AM BST on

Mary Fernandez wrote:

This will be his albatross. He should have turned it down. Instead, he looks like a buffoon. I hope he wears it everywhere like Flavor

Congratulations world. Please do keep it coming. If his dismal domestic performance, world-wide apology tour or calling anyone who opposes his policies a 'racist' hasn't already doomed him to one term, you sealed it. And, that's ALL he's accomplished in 9 months.

Thanks, from slightly more, but just enough, of the 1/2 of the American electorate (you know, the people who can kick him out of his job).

October 10, 2009 12:49 AM BST on

Ben Smith wrote:

S L wrote:
As absurd as this Noble Prize award is, it is important to remember the Obama did not do this! One can debate the competency of him as President of the United States, but he was not responsible for this award.


S.L., if Obama had any class he would have graciously turned down the award. Once he stood there looking down his nose at Americans and accepted it, he was as complicit as the Nobel Prize committee who gave it to him.

October 10, 2009 4:19 AM BST on

Dick Fennell wrote:

What a joke. The prize created by Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite, has created an award for Obama, the guy who is trying to blowup United States.
This looks more like a socialist admiration society then a real peace prize.

October 10, 2009 4:04 AM BST on

Charles Wickham wrote:

What a farce. 50% or more of the US population is afraid he is rapidly driving us into bankruptcy and is disgusted by his mea culpa world tours. If Europe likes him that much please nominate him for President of the EU and take him off our hands.

October 10, 2009 3:36 PM BST on

Arnold Roquerre wrote:

Most now regard the Nobel Peace Prize as they do the prize on finds in a box of Cracker Jacks with a one million prize tacked on. A lottery ticket, no more. The earth is officially cooling and Al Gore won the prize for what - fantasy? No one I know has any respect for the prize, other than the money that comes with it.

October 10, 2009 6:07 AM BST on

JL Ronish wrote:

And the choice for actors in comedic role goes to the entire Nobel Peace Prize Committee.
This goofy choice reduces whatever honor there once was to receiving the peace prize to near zero. But I always though that the one person who would have been a deserving recipient of such a prize but who would never even be considered by those nut cakes in Oslo was a president who actually did bring peace. He was Ronald Reagan.

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