Keith Olbermann is the biggest jackass ever
I've made it known before that I don't think to highly of Olby. He's smug, angry, unpleasant, and in my opinion, a lying left-wing propagandist. He'll stoop to any level to smear those he disagrees with, even if he's phony and disingenuous in his "points."
So I'm not surprised that Olbermann greeted the recent attempted car bombings in London as pretty much, how do I put this, um...."No big deal." And he of course had one the buttlicking members of his fan club on the show to stroke his ego, all while he crapped out his mouth with that hideous scowl on his face. Far be it for him to have someone with an opposing point of view on his show. Coward. A Bill O'Reilly he'll never be.
Anyways, I figure there are three possibilities here with Olby and the car bombers. Either he is in fact a lying propagandist, or he just fails to see the big picture. Or both.
During the buttlicking session on his wannabe O'Reilly factor show, the terrorists were referred to as "yuppy" terrorists. They pointed out that they had an expensive car, (guess "real" terrorists ride camels) but couldn't get the expensive explosives, and that we should just quit making a fuss about it. What these two idiots fail to realize is this - regardless of what kind of terrorists you might think they are, they're still terrorists that tried to blow up two cars and kill as many civilians as possible. And tell me everyone, if these "yuppy" terrorists had blown up two cars in downtown Manhattan and shredded scores of people, would he still be shrugging this off? Would he still be calling them "yuppy" terrorists? Or would he be using it as yet another tool to smear George W. Bush for not doing enough to protect the American people? Would he be using it to hammer away at wiretapping? Would he be using it to say that the Iraq war is the root cause of extremism?
I think we all know the answer to these questions. We all see Keith Olbermann's true colors. And that's one ugly rainbow.
Folks, I never thought I'd say this, but of all the shows I've ever watched, Olbermann's dishonest, fact-twisting, propagandist garbage is actually lower on the scale than Jerry Springer. Springer knew what he was doing and was honest about it. And Olby on the other hand is a flat-out disingenuous, lying sack of.....well, you know.
To think that this man closes his show many times with a famous quote from the late Edward R. Murrow, a man that walked the streets of London while German missiles reigned down on them, when his (Olby's) biggest claim to fame is Sports center makes me sick.
Here's to you Keith, you pompous jack ass. Good night and drop dead..
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